Experience: House: District 14, 2007-Present
Home State: Florida
Running: President, United States, 2016
Total Raised: $531,204Coverage End: Thursday, June 30, 2016
Winning: Won with 0.00%
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    Full Name: Kathy Castor
    Gender: Female
    Family: Husband: Bill; 2 Children: Julia, Chrissy
    Birth Date: 08/22/1966
    Birth Place: Miami, FL
    Home City: Tampa, FL
    Religion: Presbyterian


    JD, Law, Florida State University, 1991
    BA, Political Science, Emory University, 1988

Political Experience

    Representative, United States House of Representatives, Florida, District 14, 2007-present
    Member, Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners, 2002-2006
    Candidate, Florida State Senate, District 13, 2000

Current Legislative Committees

    Budget, Member
    Energy and Commerce, Member
    Subcommittee on Energy and Power (Energy and Commerce), Member
    Subcommittee on Health (Energy and Commerce), Member
    Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations (Energy and Commerce), Member

Caucuses/Non-Legislative Committees

    Former Member, Democratic House Steering and Policy Committee
    Former Member, Environmental Protection Committee, Hillsborough County

Professional Experience

    Assistant General Counsel, Florida Department of Community Affairs
    Attorney, Private Practice

Religious, Civic, and other Memberships

    Former President, Florida Association of Women Lawyers

Additional Information


    Tampa Bay Business Journal's Woman of the Year in Government (2005)
General Survey
Issue Title Candidate's Answers
1. Abortion is a woman's unrestricted right

Strongly Support
2. Stricter punishment reduces crime

3. Marijuana is a gateway drug
4. Higher taxes on the wealthy

5. Stimulus better than market-led recovery

Strongly Support
6. Vouchers for school choice

Strongly Oppose
7. Make voter registration easier

Strongly Support
8. Prioritize green energy

Strongly Support
9. Avoid foreign entanglements
10. Expand the military

Strongly Oppose
11. Support & expand free trade

No Opinion
12. Support American Exceptionalism
13. Absolute right to gun ownership

14. Expand ObamaCare

Strongly Support
15. Pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens

Strongly Support
16. EPA regulations are too restrictive

Strongly Oppose
17. Keep God in the public sphere

18. Legally require hiring more women & minorities

Strongly Support
19. Comfortable with same-sex marriage

Strongly Support
20. Privatize Social Security

Strongly Oppose
Total: 76
Introduced Date Bill Number Bill Title Last Action
04/19/2017 H.R.2002 Florida Coastal Protection Act 04/19/2017 Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources.  (All Actions)
04/12/2017 H.Res.255 Commemorating the 30th anniversary of United States Special Operations Command. 04/12/2017 Referred to the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities.  (All Actions)
09/30/2016 H.R.4393 Clean Distributed Energy Grid Integration Act 09/30/2016 Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy.  (All Actions)
09/08/2016 H.R.5955 Restore Charitable Contributions of Premium Cigars to the Troops Act of 2016 09/08/2016 Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.  (All Actions)
03/21/2016 H.R.4774 Training Tomorrow's Doctors Today Act 03/21/2016 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  (All Actions)
07/10/2015 H.Con.Res.60 Expressing the sense of Congress that female athletes be paid the same as their male counterparts and organizers of world class competitions actively take part in combating the wage gap. 07/10/2015 Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.  (All Actions)
03/06/2015 H.R.1197 Accelerating the End of Breast Cancer Act of 2015 03/06/2015 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  (All Actions)
05/15/2015 H.R.2253 Ensuring Access to Primary Care for Women & Children Act 05/15/2015 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  (All Actions)
05/13/2015 H.R.2005 Medicare Drug Savings Act of 2015 05/13/2015 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  (All Actions)
05/07/2015 H.R.1895 Florida Coastal Protection Act 05/07/2015 Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources.  (All Actions)
04/17/2015 H.R.1867 To encourage benchmarking and disclosure of energy information for commercial buildings. 04/17/2015 Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy and Power.  (All Actions)
03/16/2015 H.Res.150 Expressing support for designation of July as National Sarcoma Awareness Month. 03/16/2015 Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.  (All Actions)
02/27/2015 H.R.1117 Creating Access to Residency Education Act of 2015 02/27/2015 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  (All Actions)
02/06/2015 H.R.777 Permanent Investment in Health Research Act of 2015 02/06/2015 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  (All Actions)
11/21/2014 H.R.5724 Permanent Investment in Health Research Act of 2014 11/21/2014 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  (All Actions)
11/21/2014 H.R.5723 Ensuring Access to Primary Care for Women & Children Act 11/21/2014 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  (All Actions)
06/13/2014 H.R.4468 Seafarers Educational Advancement Act 06/13/2014 Referred to the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education.  (All Actions)
03/28/2014 H.R.4282 Creating Access to Residency Education Act of 2014 03/28/2014 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  (All Actions)
01/10/2014 H.R.3820 To encourage benchmarking and disclosure of energy information for commercial buildings. 01/10/2014 Referred to the Subcommittee on Energy and Power.  (All Actions)
10/18/2013 H.R.3295 Eliminating Disparities in Breast Cancer Treatment Act of 2013 10/18/2013 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health.  (All Actions)
Total: 1552
Date Bill Number Bill Title Result Vote
09/06/2007 H.R.2826 To amend titles 28 and 10, United States Code, to restore habeas corpus for individuals detained by the United States at Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and for other purposes.
09/05/2007 H.R.2015 Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2007
08/14/2007 H.R.3453 Community Clinical Laboratory Fairness in Competition Act of 2007
08/14/2007 H.R.3099 National Guard and Reserve Higher Education Fairness Act
08/10/2007 H.R.3045 Presidential Signing Statements Act of 2007
08/10/2007 H.Res.539 Requesting that the President focus appropriate attention on neighborhood crime prevention and community policing, and coordinate certain Federal efforts to participate in "National Night Out", which occurs the first Tuesday of August each year, including by supporting local efforts and community watch groups and by supporting local officials, to promote community safety and help provide homeland security.
08/09/2007 H.R.1722 To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 601 Banyan Trail in Boca Raton, Florida, as the "Leonard W. Herman Post Office". Passed Aye
08/09/2007 H.R.1617 To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 561 Kingsland Avenue in University City, Missouri, as the "Harriett F. Woods Post Office Building".
08/07/2007 H.R.3212 To provide certain personnel management requirements for the Transportation Security Administration, and for other purposes.
08/03/2007 H.Con.Res.188 Condemning the attack on the AMIA Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in July 1994, and for other purposes.
08/03/2007 H.R.2750 NASA 50th Anniversary Commemorative Coin Act Passed Yea
08/03/2007 H.Con.Res.143 Concurrent resolution honoring National Historic Landmarks.
08/02/2007 H.R.3334 SMA Treatment Acceleration Act
07/30/2007 H.Res.568 Honoring and expressing gratitude to the 1st Battalion of the 133rd Infantry ("Ironman Battalion") of the Iowa National Guard.
07/24/2007 H.R.3140 Saving Our Community Pharmacies Act of 2007
07/24/2007 H.R.2668 To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to reduce class size through the use of fully qualified teachers, and for other purposes.
07/24/2007 H.R.2617 Preparing Excellent Teachers Act of 2007
07/24/2007 H.R.2470 America's Better Classrooms Act of 2007
07/23/2007 H.Res.528 Commemorating the 300th anniversary of the Town of New Milford, Connecticut.
07/23/2007 H.R.2516 National Forest Roadless Area Conservation Act
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