@江声依旧:“简单地说我认为不信神, 不可知,和不信教三者之间有微妙但本质的不同。方舟子以他个人无神论的立场把三者混为一谈,有误导之嫌。我个人不信人格化的神,自然也不信以人格化的神为基底的宗教。但对于宇宙秩序是怎样产生的,moral law是怎样界定的,以及生命的终极意义这一类问题,没有明确的答案。不妨认为有一个creator, who created the universe , who defined the natural law and moral law, who also defined the ultimate meaning of life. 但是这个creator不是西斯廷教堂屋顶上的白胡子老头,也不介入人类事务。在这个意义上我认为自然神论(Deism)比较make sense. In the end, I think Einstein, who considered himself a deist, nailed it right in the head; "I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings. "”