Jeb Bush pans Trump's insult of Clinton, says it will 'enhance her victimology status'
12/22/2015   By Sean Sullivan | The Washington Post

Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush voiced a two-part response to Donald Trump's vulgar insult of Hillary Clinton on Tuesday: He said it was another sign Trump is unsuited for the presidency and argued Clinton will use it to cast herself as a "victim."

Bush, campaigning in New Hampshire, was asked by reporters about Trump saying on Monday that Clinton was "schlonged" in the 2008 campaign, referring to her Democratic primary loss to now-President Obama.

"He wants to create chaos. He's the chaos candidate. And just imagine him as president in a press conference," said Bush. "There has to be a level of decorum to win. It's not a sign of strength to insult people with profanities."

"Does it play into her ability to use, you know -- " a reporter followed up.

"She's great at being the victim. You know, this will enhance her victimology status," responded Bush. "This is what she loves doing. Trump is not going to be president because he says these things. It turns people off. I mean, for crying out loud, we're two days before Christmas. Lighten up, man."

Later, Bush was asked: "You said she loves playing the victim. Is saying someone was schlonged not victimizing language?"

After saying Clinton would use the remark in an unhelpful way, Bush added: "I'm concurring with the question."

The former Florida governor was not the only Republican contender to address to Trump's remark, which he made at a rally in Michigan Monday night. Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.), who has tried not to get into a contentious dispute with Trump, said he wasn't going to play political pundit over the matter.

Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton's communications director, said on Twitter that the campaign was not responding to Trump, but encouraged others bothered by it to do so. 

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